
Here we go again!  I'm going to try and keep up with the posts this year.  I've managed it for the past 2 years, but with a new bub due in March I'm not confident I'll be able to keep it up during the newborn haze.  Only time will tell I suppose.

This week has been punctuated with broken sleep, not enough naps, and too many late nights watching rubbish movies on Netflix.  The Netflix part is totally my own fault, but it's nice to just sit down and relax with something mindless after the dinner/bath/bed routine with Dylan.  Tonight we allowed Dylan to watch part of a movie that was not too far off finishing.  Earlier today he came home from his grandparents a total cranky-pants, refusing lunch then slept for hours and hours.  So I'm not at all surprised he wasn't ready for bed tonight.  We chilled out on the lounge watching a movie I remember from my childhood.  Spaceships and aliens kept him completely fixated until an ad came on and I threatened to tickle him.  That cheeky grin and mischievous eyes gets me every time.

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2016
Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. Love that face. Cute as can be... How old is he now?

    1. Thanks Mandy! He's just turned 3 in the last month and he'll tell anyone who'll listen that he's a big boy now!


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