
We've been doing some odd jobs around the house over the past week or so.  With a new baby on the way, there's been some reshuffling of "stuff" around the house.  No longer will we have a spare room, so the wardrobes and cupboard space needs to be revamped and reorganised.  We found that the big empty spaces at the tops of our wardrobes just weren't getting used effectively, so Hubby has been on many a trip to Bunnings to buy sheets of melamine and making new shelves. 

All this cutting of melamine has been done around Dylan's afternoon naps, and the never ending series of thunderstorms we've had lately, so he usually has a bit of an audience.  Hubby is much more careful these days with regards to his hearing, so he's always wearing his earmuffs doing these noisy tasks.  Of course Dylan just loves to copy us, and luckily one of his Christmas presents this year was the cutest little pair of earmuffs.  So while we were busy working around the house, Dylan decided he'd "help" out by mowing the lawn for us.  He ran off inside to grab his earmuffs, then dragged his little bubble mower out of the garage.  A quick request for more bubble solution and he was off, happy as larry!  By the end of it he was so chuffed he'd been a good helping boy by mowing the lawn, wearing his earmuffs, just like Daddy.

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2016
Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



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