It's everywhere!

I had a feeling it was going to happen sooner or later. I was warned. I didn't think much of it. But now it's happening. I'm losing my hair! Yep, just call me Mr Baldy! The post pregnancy hair loss has begun. It's not just after I've washed my hair and comb it, it's practically all the time. I'm constantly finding hair all over the place. It's on my clothes. It's on the furniture. I find it in the sink. It's in my bed. It's down my back. It's everywhere!!

It's not coming out in clumps at least. Well not yet anyway! I can't say that I have big bald patches like I've heard some women get. But that's not to say I won't get them... Or I may already have them and just can't see it. Gosh I hope I don't lose too much. I hope it stops soon. From what I've read this could go on for months yet. I also read how dangerous it can be. Strands getting wrapped around little fingers and other body parts like miniature tourniquets. Doesn't sound nice at all. I'm now double checking Dylan's clothes and nappy each time I change him or pick him up.   Poor bub!

The only other news of note is how much the weather has changed in the past week or so. It's really feeling like autumn now. The mornings and the evenings are really quite chilly. I've resorted to winter pj's for a more comfortable sleep, not to mention sitting up for those 10:30pm feeds. I'm starting to wonder how we'll go with Dylan as the temperature continues to drop over the coming months. He's already in long sleeved onesies most days now, so how do I prepare him for even colder days? His room's thermometer read as low as 16 the other morning. I added a nice cosy blanket to his cot so he was a bit warmer, but he does tend to kick in his swaddle suit a bit so it wasn't completely effective. I guess I'll suss out some of the other mums and see what they are doing to keep their bubs warm.

This weekend just gone had the coldest and wettest Saturday in ages. It was perfect for snoozing and snuggling up. And I'll admit to doing both! Dylan was up just after 7am which was a slight sleep in, but my hubby decided it was a great day to sleep in even after his first feed. So Dylan went back to bed and so did we! As a result breakfast turned into brunch and the afternoon was mostly spent lazing on the lounge and watching rubbish TV. It was great! Definitely recharged the batteries! Saturday was also a momentous day in the life of our little boy. He was 4 months old. I don't know what happened to the past 4 months, but they have flown by at lightning speed. To celebrate, we had lots of cuddles, giggles and smiles. What a lovely boy!



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