Nothing special to report

It's one of those nothing days. Nothing special about it. Nothing to do. Nothing kinda weather too. Although I am supposed to be meeting up with my mothers group and going for a walk today. Weather is looking rather threatening though so I'm not sure if our walk will go ahead. I hope so. I do need to get off my butt and do some exercise. And I do want to meet up with the girls as we usually have a good laugh. I did go for a reasonable walk yesterday which felt great. We walked a couple of kilometres to the chemist and back. I had to pick up my motilium prescription as I was starting to run out. Motilium is used to help increase milk production and I need all the help I can get! The pharmacist was chatting to me about how you are supposed to wean off it after your production has been spiked. I nodded and headed out the door... Maybe for some this stuff helps to exclusively feed, but not me! I still have to make almost a full bottle up for Dylan each and every feed. I don't feel bad about it anymore. There's nothing I can do so there's no point getting upset. I figure that some breast milk better than none.

I headed up to the shops yesterday. I've still got my project of a photo wall floating around in my head. I had the details all sussed out but then disaster struck! The store I was going to buy them from stopped stocking one of the size frames. None of their stores had enough stock and they completely disappeared off their website to buy online. I was so disappointed! I had planned my layout. I had made up my templates and rearranged countless times. And now, it's all to waste! Bugger! Yesterday I tried a couple of other stores but no one seems to have enough stock in of the same style frames across the 4 different sizes I need. I think I'd better put this project on hold until I can find somewhere that will have a decent amount of stock. And at a reasonable price too!

Over the weekend just gone daylight savings came to an end. I had secretly been looking forward to it for a little while as I figured that the sooner the sun went down in the evenings, the sooner Dylan would settle off to sleep. I somehow forgot that it meant the sun would rise earlier each morning. So instead of my reasonable 7am wake up, Dylan's been wanting to wake closer to 6am. Arghhh! I need more sleep! The evenings haven't been as smooth sailing either.  We were so close to calling it 'our routine', 7am wake up, and 4 hourly feeds til his final almost dream feed at 10:30pm. Now it's a bit all over the place. Yesterday was a close to 6:30am wake, and then feeds and sleeps weren't anywhere near as scheduled as before. The final feed hasn't been a dream feed either. It's been a full wake up, feed, play then maybe a hour or so later he seems snoozy enough to put to bed. It makes for a late night, and then an early start the next morning. I'm hoping it all settles down and gets back to as close to 'normal' as possible. Not really sure what normal is anymore!



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