Back to normal...

It's been a quiet few days round here. And thank goodness for that! Dylan seems to be settling back to his old routine after the dramas in the week or so after his 4 month vaccinations. He had turned from his sweet self into a major pain in the you know where. After refusing boob and bottle, then suffering from majorly disturbed sleeps, he was just generally grumpy, whingy and a whole less smiley. So I'm happy to report that he seems to be back to normal. He's sleeping through the night again, and has his appetite back. In fact some days I'm starting to think I need to start increasing the amount of his formula feeds. He's been on the same amount of formula since he was about 6 weeks old, but now he finishing the boob, almost always finishing the bottle.

We are now less than a week away from Dylan turning 5 months old and am thinking of trying him on solids pretty soon. He likes to watch me eat my bowl of cereal each morning, but hasn't reached out for it as yet. I started looking online at all the stuff I'll need to get to begin solids and I'm sure I could spend a small fortune! From soft shallow spoons, to bowls with suction cups on the bottom, freezer trays, mashers and blenders, drop sheets, to versions of each for feed time out and about! And I was thinking that just the high chair itself would be the expensive part. There is also a myriad of options out there as to what we actually feed him as his first solids. Packages of rice cereals from numerous brands are confusing enough. Do we choose the organic one? Is that better for our little ones tiny tummy? Or is it just a waste of money? I did go grocery shopping earlier in the week and stopped to look at the rice cereals on offer in Woolies. Some brands I thought would be there weren't, some options I wanted to see were out of stock, so I left empty handed and Dylan will definitely have to go another week without starting solids.

I'm also happy to report that Dylan now seems to be so much better at holding up his head when enjoying a bit of tummy time. Over the past couple of days I've been making sure he has some tummy time at almost every play session. He now seems to be a bit more happy to hold his head up and look at his toys and the room around him whilst on his tummy. Much better than the previous weeks where he would whinge, mostly face down until he was turned over.

Here's my happy boy this morning:

I will admit to being a bit slack this week in regards to my cooking challenge. The foodie magazines I leave on my coffee table just aren't enough motivation this week. That and the half eaten chocolate cake, biscuits, and nearly dead Easter eggs in the kitchen are keeping me from whipping up some other delectable treats! At least my aerobics class was motivating!



  1. You need the aerobics class to wear off the nearly dead Easter eggs! Wish I had some nearly dead Easter eggs, I'd eat one right now . . . off to look in the pantry . . .


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