Busy times!

What an up and down week it has been! Last week was a busy one... Well at least it seemed busy to me. 

Tuesday I popped into the city to have lunch with an old friend. Leanne and I used to work for the same company but spent most of our time at the gym together. We'd meet up maybe 3 times a week if not more in the gym. We both loved the boxing classes and so did that twice a week. Usually our other gym session was either pump, step, or we'd just do our own circuit of the equipment and weights. Many many lunch times were spent huffing and puffing and gasbagging together! Leanne was my support in my manic rush to get fit for my wedding in 2009. We pushed each other to our limits, but still made it fun, hence why we kept it up for a few years. It was only in 2010 when I got a new job that I quit the gym as it would have been too hard and too far to get back to the gym for our lunch time classes. I miss those days. After our lunch catch up for Leanne's bday I did pop over to my office to see the team.  One of our contractors had left the week before and a new contractor had just started that week so I got to meet her. One of my Brisbane based team members was going to be in Sydney for the week and hadn't yet met my little man, so introductions had to be made! Nigel was keen for a cuddle of Dylan, but ended up holding him in the most awkward fashion which just made the entire team crack up!

On Wednesday I had an appointment with a specialist in Kogarah. Having never spent much time around hospitals, my husband had prepared me for how bad the parking situation could be. I'd also never really driven around Kogarah either so it would going to be an interesting trip! The day didn't start well with Dylan being up quite early and fussy drinking his milk. In the end the trip was quite uneventful. I made it to Kogarah in good time, stalked a woman for her parking spot, then easily found where I needed to go. Phew!

Friday was a bit crazy with Dylan reaching the peak of his fussiness of late. He's been refusing to eat and therefore hasn't been sleeping well at all. The only way I seemed to be able to get a full feed into him is by waiting until he was asleep and doing a dreamfeed. I turned up at the Playgroup session to meet with my friend and learn from the playgroup coordinator and playgroup NSW rep how to run our very first session that morning. Somehow I've ended up being the keeper of the key to the church hall and one of the main organisers! We got probably 15 mums and bubs turn up and I think I'd call it pretty successful. I'll look forward to our session this week. See how many mums come back to join us; share a cuppa and have the bubs play. We are going to try making a cute Mothers Day card and have painted baby footprints as the decoration. Friday afternoon I headed out to Parramatta for a team meeting, drinkies and dinner with my work mates. It was great to spend some time with them socially and be away from home. But I sure did miss my little man and was happy to call it a night earlier than anticipated.

How could you not miss this little face??
This weekend it's a double celebration! Saturday we are catching up with my brother for his birthday. Looking forward to seeing him, my sister in law and their adorable little boy Charlie. It will be nice to see Dylan with his cousin again and compare how much they've both grown and changed over the past couple of months. Sunday is Mothers Day and my very first Mothers Day. I can't believe it!  Hoping to have a lovely low key day with my 2 favourite boys.



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