
A few weeks ago Dylan helped me plant some cherry tomato plants into a pot.  It's a bit late in the season for it, but I figured it was worth a shot.  Last year I had some that grew out from seeds that went through the worm farm process before being watered over the garden.  Dylan loved picking those tomatoes, and as he wasn't really eating them at that stage he just squished them between his fingers and generally made a mess! 

Most days I try to get Dylan out into the garden and have a look at how the tomatoes are growing.  We talk about how tall they are, and how they now have lots of little yellow flowers that will hopefully produce us some yummy fruit.  We currently have 3 little green tomatoes growing that little fingers like to poke and touch!  I'm hoping they'll reach maturity before the temptation to pick them off becomes too strong.

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2015
Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. Oh what a sweet (and yummy) project to have together - he looks very proud of his tomatoes!

    1. Thanks Carie. Who knew growing tomatoes could be so exciting!


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