
I fully admit, this is a BAD photo.  I was laughing so hard at the time that I'm sure it could have been a lot worse! 

Hubby has been invited to a colleague's birthday party next weekend, and much to his horror it's a dress up theme; super heroes and villains.  He's procrastinated for a few weeks now on what he could go as.  Eventually he decided that trying to put something together himself just wouldn't work and so I was asked to look around for a suitable costume.  The local party shop near my work had a selection of costumes and with maybe 3 or 4 easily identifiable as "super heroes".  I picked the "best" of them, the best being the one that had built in arm muscles and a six pack!!  So as of Friday I became the proud owner of a "one size fits most" batman outfit.  $35 bought me the jumpsuit with built in muscles, a belt, a cape and the face mask.  Bargain!

So come Saturday morning I sit Dylan up in front of the TV for a few minutes watching various snippets of old-school batman shows on You tube.  I figure he's starting to get familiar with Batman (and sidekick Robin) and so I sent Hubby off to try on the outfit.  A couple of minutes later out rushes the worst looking Batman you've ever seen in your life!! Turns out $35 doesn't get you quality Batman, more like dodgy Batman!  I'm ready with my camera as Dylan sees the caped crusader and has a look of sheer terror on his face! 
A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2015

The moment Hubby opens his mouth, Dylan realises it's his Daddy and LOOOVES the costume!  He's laughing and smiling, and I'm still cackling away at the sight of dodgy Batman.   Just soooo funny!  Maybe next week I'll get some shots of dodgy Batman ready to get into the Batmobile and drive to the party. 

I'm thinking that after the party I just might be on the lookout for a mini-Batman costume, or maybe a mini-Robin version.  Playing super heroes in the backyard might become a Daddy/Dylan regular occurrence round here.

Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



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