
Almost a week late this week.  Its getting harder and harder to keep up with these photos once a week.  I'm sure by this age, I had almost an entire photo album full of photos of newborn Dylan, now I'm lucky to have one a week of Tristan.  I certainly don't exist.  Hubby has absolutely no concept of picking up the camera and taking of shot with me in it.  Sure I might not like what I see even if I did make it into a photo, but at least it would be a reminder of this difficult stage mothering a newborn.  

Tristan's day sleeps are practically non existent now.  It's so hard to get anything done and feel like I've achieved anything during the day.  All I do is sit on the lounge and feed, and settle, and resettle and resettle.  The days where Tristan actually has more than 1 hours sleep at a time would be lucky to be once a week.  It's very very frustrating and I question why did I ever disrupted our family life with another family member.  I'm sure I'll get over it, but for now I'm tired and cranky and unhappy.

This past week's photo of Tristan was just another of those days where we are trying desperately to get him to sleep anyway we can.  Hubby had been trying to calm him and was pacing up and down the house until a call on his mobile came through.  

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016

Lately Dylan has had way more screen time than I'd ever be happy with.  But with a cranky mum, and a non-sleeping newborn, something's gotta give.  If letting Dylan curl up on my bed and watch some kids shows on tv in the morning brought some calm, then so be it.

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016

Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



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