Hooray for me!

Today is kinda a momentous occasion, one that I didn't think too much of whilst pregnant with my dear sweet Tristan.  Today we have overtaken the number of days that I managed to exclusively breastfeed Dylan.  Back in 2012/2013, we succumbed to crippling pain, cracked and bleeding nipples, low supply and a total lack of confidence.  After pain riddled feeding sessions of 2+ hours at a time, which would result in no more than 10-15 minutes of sleep before the hunger screams would begin again, we gave up and bought formula.  I swore I wouldn't put any pressure on myself this time around, but was willing to give it a chance.   I still won't commit to saying we have it down pat, but with no pain, good sleeping sessions (for all of us) and a 300 gram weight gain this past week, I think we are doing not too bad.

I returned to the local baby health clinic this week to check on his weight gain and listen to the issues and questions from all the other mums. I'm certainly reassured that we are doing ok. We are coping. Even the sleep deprivation doesn't feel so bad this time.  It's nice to be reminded of things we have forgotten since Dylan was a newborn, and that the things we do to cope, to get through the unsettled periods are the same as everyone else.

Hooray for making it to just over 3 weeks!



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