Things I'd forgotten...

Being a mum the second time around is certainly different to the first time.  I guess we are more relaxed and calm about most things.  We've survived the newborn phase once before, surely we can do it again, right?  I have noted that since Tristan was born, there are so many things I'd forgotten about in the 3 and a bit years since Dylan was a newborn.  Some things kinda took me by surprise, and I'm sure to pick up on even more things as Tristan grows.  So far, my little list of things I'd forgotten about a newborn includes:

* Newborn cuddles are addictive!
* Newborns generally hate having their nappy changed.  They cry when they are coated in poo, and then cry when you clean it off... WHY???
* Dummies come in so many different shapes and sized, and yet sometimes none will work.  Learning to suck a dummy is something that seems to be taking time.
* Newborns make so much noise when they sleep! The snorting and snuffling is quite endearing, until it keeps you up at night!
* Sleeping when the baby sleeps is good in theory, but nothing would get done if I kept napping.  Clean clothes and food on the table are overrated!
* Socks for newborns are IMPOSSIBLE to stay in place!  They just fall off like they are totally the wrong shape.  How can this be??
* Newborn fingernails are like razors.  They are incredibly sharp and they grow at super speeds.  Cutting them is scary, time consuming and something best passed on to husbands!
* Poo explosions will happen when you least expect it.  Guaranteed to occur when you haven't washed their clothes in a few days, or you are out and about and forgot to pack an extra outfit.  
* I need to buy shares in Huggies.  Not only for the nappies, but dear god we go through so many wipes!
* Newborns trying to focus their eyes on you or a nearby object, can often result in some amusing cross eyed looks!
* Bath time can be the most lovely soothing experience one day, and like you are torturing them the next! Totally unpredictable evening fun for you and all the neighbours!

I'm sure there is a ton more things to mention, but in my hazy sleep deprived state, I can't for the life of me remember!



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