12 Feb - Out and About

Today's topic for the February Photo a Day challenge is 'out and about'. Well it's just lucky the weather decided to co-operate this afternoon so we could get out of the house. I had to duck out and run an errand this afternoon, but as I got it done quicker than expected we took a little detour on our way home.

We've had fun being out and about at the park for the first time since he learnt to walk!

Dylan ran around in the playground area with his ball. He he had a go on the swings which he loved! And it only took one mouthful of the chip bark flooring for him to realise it wasn't 
so tasty!



  1. Of course now you will have to go to the park every day … it will be expected ;0)

  2. He's looking just so grown up. Kisses for Dylan xxxx


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