18 Feb - Magic

Today's topic for the February Photo a Day challenge is 'magic'.

When you think about it, there really are so many forms of magic. The sun rising each day is magic thanks to Mother Nature. Pulling a rabbit out of a hat is another kind of magic.  There are some things I'd like to put down to magic cos I can't comprehend how they actually work or exist. Like... The internet... How does the millions of words and pictures appear on the screen.. ?? I remember when I was young wondering how a fax machine work. I could write some words or draw a picture, feed my paper into a machine and somehow my paper would travel down a skinny wire outside and it would end up printing out at a machine far far away!! Magic!!

I really wasn't sure how to photograph something like that... So I didn't.  Instead here is the magic I have captured in today's photo.

This place creates magic... It fulfills the wishes of many a girl. A place that makes dreams come true. A place to share a coffee and a pastry. A place to stare longingly through its windows.  Those little blue boxes with a white ribbon bow... wanted... adored. 

It's Tiffany's of course!!

I know it's supposed to be just one photo a day, but I thought I would share one more. My own little piece of magic!  Here I am at my 9th birthday party. As a surprise we had a clown come and entertain us with balloon shaping and various other tricks.  As the birthday girl I got to be involved in one of the tricks he performed. I had 2 little red fuzzy foam balls placed in my hand. I checked over them, closed my hands, and had the magic words announced. The clown tapped the top of my hand and asked me to open my hand. To my utter shock and delight there were now 3 red fuzzy foam balls in my hand!! To this day I don't know how this little magic trick worked, nor do I want this fabulous childhood memory tarnished. It was just pure magic to me!



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