06 Feb - C is for...

Today's topic for the February Photo a Day is 'C is for '.  I was thinking about this one all day. Yes, it could be the 'chores' I was doing but that would be incredibly boring. No one wants to see a pic of me hanging out the washing or vacuuming.  I would have loved C to be for the coffee I was craving, but I ran out of milk so no flat whites for me today. As for the square of chocolate I ate... It was in my gob and gone well before I could even think about taking a photo!

I had to come into town tonight for a work meeting/Dinner. So here is my cityscape!

Post dinner now, and I really could have taken a shot of my dinner at the Chinese restaurant, but I didn't. The food was awesome and I had way too good a time to stop and take a photo!



  1. C is for clever ... I like your cityscape.

  2. Back in the olden days, when your mother was young, that building was the tallest office building in the Sydney CBD!! So C is for can-you-remember-when . . . . xxx

    1. Were there dinosaurs roaming the streets back then too??


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