17 Feb - Vegetable

Today's topic for the February Photo a day challenge is "vegetable".

I would have thought I'd end up just taking a quick shot of one of the vegetables I'd be preparing for dinner tonight. But something strange has happened... I got home from work and my hubby had already prepared ALL the vegetables.... and ALL of dinner! It was a sight rarely seen in these parts.  I then figured I could take a photo of one of those vegetables once cooked and ready to eat.... But I forgot... and they were delicious...

So I hunted through my fridge for some kind of vegetable that wasn't too boring looking. I think I found it! Plain, in salads, eaten with dip, cooked into stews or casseroles.. yummy crispy crunchy celery is my vegetable!



  1. Lovely bright photo - would only be better if the celery was topped with a generous lashing of cream cheese dip - BUT IT STILL COUNTS AS VEGETABLE, DOESN'T IT??


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